Urban Design, Responsible Architecture

Communal Contemporary Living

Mosta, Malta
2015 - 2018

This building consists in a mixed-use development designed as a new local landmark in an existing neighbourhood in Mosta. The virtually zero-energy buildings are insulated throughout, carefully designed in terms of their orientation and the energy performance of their façades. Each unit shares a generously sized central courtyard that allows light and ventilation and ensures that each apartment enjoys north- and south-facing apertures to allow a variety of luminance during the entire day. Monolithic stretches of stone provide good thermal mass to sustain the building’s energy efficiency.

This project was shortlisted as a finalist for the Housing of the Year Award in the Kamra tal-Periti’s 2019 Premju Emanuele Luigi Galizia award and was the winner of the Best Urban Design Award at the prestigious MASP Awards 2019 organised by the Planning Authority.

Photos by Ramon Portelli